The 2017 Community Value and Metrics Report Is Here

The community industry has matured rapidly over the past few years

More and more businesses are creating communities for a range of purposes.

Today brand communities provide customer support, fuel product ideation, drive acquisition, crowdsource content, and keep customers engaged. As communities evolve, community professionals must keep up with these changes and be able to accurately showcase their business impact. That’s where the 2017 Community Value and Metrics Report comes in.

The Future of Measuring Your Online Community

We set out to help you answer three overarching questions with our newest brand community research:

  • What should your community accomplish?
  • How do you know your community is working?
  • How is your community driving the top line?

Community builders need data points and benchmarks to determine how to track their ongoing value and measure their communities. That’s what you’ll get from this report. Learn more about the metrics community professionals are using to prove business value in their companies. Click here. More than 500 community builders participated in this study, and now we know that community’s business value can be measured, because they shared precisely how they did it.

Use This Community Research to Inform Your Measurement Strategy

We learned the five most popular metrics that people are using to prove their business value. 54% of respondents reported measuring retention to demonstrate their community’s value. We also discovered one metric that you should strongly consider measuring: change in sales revenue. 46% who measure it believe it to be the MOST important metric they track. Those that felt the most confident in their success are the role models of our industry. There’s a correlation between confidence in metrics and the money your company makes.